Auspicious Agile

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Agile Scaling

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Agile, Agile Framework, agile manifesto, agile methodology, Agile Project Manager, Agile Scaling, Agile Teams, Business Agility, Continuous Integration, Design Sprint, DevOps, Innovation, kanban, Large Scale Scrum (LESS), SAFe, Scrum, Scrum of Scrums, Software Development, vuca, XP

Latest Trends in Agile Scaling (SAFe, LESS, SoS) and DevOps

Continuing with native Linked-in video posts: This week’s video blog looks at the latest trends in Agile Scaling (SAFe, LESS, […]

auspicious blockchain and agile
Agile, Agile Framework, agile manifesto, agile methodology, Agile Scaling, Business Agility, Design Thinking, DevOps, Disciplined Agile Delivery, kanban, Large Scale Scrum (LESS), lean, lean startup, SAFe, Scrum, Transformation Design, Uncategorized, vuca, XP

The Universe of “Agile” Methods

There are a broad array of “Agile” methods.  From Transformation Design, and Design Thinking, to Agile Scaling, Lean & Kanban,