Auspicious Agile

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Accounting, Agile, Agile Adoption, agile business, Agile Contracts, Agile Engineering, Asia, Auspicious Agile, Beyond Budgeting, Bitcoin, Blockchain, Blog, Book, Budget, Business Agility, business value, Career, Carol Dweck, Certification, China, chinese, Collaboration, Communication, Community of Practice, Continuous Delivery Pipeline, Continuous Deployment, Continuous Integration, contracts, Crowd Funding, Cryptocurrency, Culture, Cyber Security, Dash, Design, Design Centric Leadership, Design Centric Organization, DevSecOps Manifesto, Digital Gold, Virtual


auspicious blockchain and agile
Airdrop, Bitcoin, Blockchain, Collaboration, Communication, Crowd Funding, Cryptocurrency, Culture, Digital Gold, Distributed Ledger Technology, DLT, Finance, Fintech, Satoshi Nakamoto, STO, Token Metrics, Tokenization, Venture Capital, vuca

Launching Auspicious Blockchain on Vimeo!

I am launching my new “Auspicious Blockchain” channel on Vimeo, to share videos and content to teach about Blockchain, Cryptocurrency,

auspicious blockchain and agile
Airdrop, Bitcoin, Blockchain, Collaboration, Crowd Funding, Cryptocurrency, Digital Gold, Ethereum, ICO, Innovation, Smart Contracts, STO, Token Metrics, Tokenization

Auspicious Blockchain – The Tokenization of Everything

This week’s Auspicious Blockchain video blog covers the tokenization (digitalization) of everything. From Real Estate, to Gold, Art work to Stocks and Bonds it seems that everything is being “tokenized” and put on the blockchain. Let’s find about the interesting and potentially very profitable area of the blockchain.

Agile, agile business, Agile Framework, Agile Leadership, Agile Manager, Blockchain, Business Agility, Cryptocurrency, DevOps, Distributed Agile, Distributed Agile Framework, Distributed Ledger Technology, DLT, Docker, Ethereum, Fintech, Jenkins, JIRA, Modern Agile, Puppet, Ripple, SAFe, Scrum, Test Automation, Token Metrics, Toolchain, XP

Agile, DevOps and Blockchain Conference Season

For the past few months it has been conference season for me.  I have had multiple speaking engagements on the topics of Agile, DevOps and Blockchain for Singapore to Hong Kong and Thailand.  In today’s post I am going to share some of my favorite moments and photos from this nearly completed “Conference Season”.